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Winning: Athlete of The Spirit

After over 40 years of coaching I have realized I’m really working with the WANT TO of the athlete.

Do they really WANT TO PLAY or do they just want to look good in the uniform?

(I wonder whether we could ask the same question to the church goers today)

There are Players & Spectators in this Game Called Life and it takes, SACRIFICE, PRACTICE, TRAINING & HARD WORK to WIN.

Players must have the desire to “GIVE ALL.”

“Now the desire to give all and the ability to give all are not the same although the desire is necessary, of course, before the ability can be developed. Ability has to be learned, earned, developed, grown into. I believe the ability to give all will come if the desire is unremitting, steadfast, consuming. I make it sound like a nerve-straining process and so it is, but at the same time it is no struggle at all but a joyous voyage of discovery. In order to give all one just has to give all! If it sounds easy, just try it. If it sounds difficult, try any other course once you have had a taste of the adventure.”
Glenn Clark

Winning is an attitude of the heart, not a score.
“Until there is a HEART CHANGE, there will not be an ATTITUDE CHANGE”

Creating Athletes of the Spirit means creating WHOLE athletes. BALANCED ATHLETES, BODY, MIND & SPIRIT!

All equally important, we all need exercise, training, building up of our BODIES, MINDS, and SPIRITS to be READY for any opponent we are about to face.